Camp guidelines are set into place for the safety and enjoyment of all campers and camp staff. Upon registering, parents and campers must agree to abide by the camp guidelines. Failure to abide by camp guidelines will result in consequences as described in the policy listed below.
Cedar Creek Christian Camp Guidelines
Every person on the grounds of Cedar Creek Christian Camp is expected to live up to the camp guidelines!
1. No camper should borrow or bother another camper's belongings without their permission.
2. The use of tobacco, alcohol, undesirable language, non-prescribed drugs, and anything that will hinder Christian growth is prohibited at the camp.
3. Any illness or injury must be reported to the camp medical personnel or the dean immediately.
4. Please wear appropriate and modest clothing at all times. Dress code guidance is listed below. Parents: please assist your student(s) in packing to ensure they bring clothes that fit the dress code of Cedar Creek. Each camp week’s dean will be responsible to delegate the final decision to an appropriate member of staff.
5. Cell phones for campers are allowed. We will leave the specific phone use guidelines up to each individual dean for their week of camp. We encourage all campers to unplug from the use of electronic devices for their week of camp.
6. Please respect all camp property--do not write on walls, tables, benches, etc. Do not damage property in any way.
7. Automobiles driven to camp by campers MUST be parked and locked and remain that way throughout the week. Keys MUST be turned in to the dean at time of arrival.
8. There is no food or drink allowed in the dorms; please do not send snacks with your child.
9. No visitors are allowed during any week of camp without advance permission from the dean. Anyone arriving on camp property during the week must check in with the dean right away. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Dress Code
No clothing that advertises alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs
No offensive/discriminatory slogan or profanity on clothing or hats
No revealing or excessively tight clothing, spaghetti straps or strapless shirts
Shorts should be appropriate length
No sagging pants or shorts
Pajamas/Sleepwear may not be worn outside of sleeping areas
Wear closed-toe and closed-heel shoes while at rec times
Girls: One piece bathing suit when swimming
Guys: Athletic shorts are not considered swimsuits. Shirts must be worn at all times, except when swimming
The camp dean has the final authority to determine or delegate the decision to ask a camper to change
Deans are expected to enforce the camp rules as posted. Consequences for behavior which violates the rules are to be determined by the dean, according to this recommended 3-tier structure:
0. Mild misbehavior that can be gently redirected by adult or junior staff can and should be handled without invoking an official consequence. Repeated behavior that causes staff to involve the dean should escalate to higher tiers.
1. Verbal Warning / Conference with Dean.
This consequence is intended for redirecting significant but incidental behavior, such as language, dress code, cell phone use, or reckless behavior. The purpose is to impress on the camper the importance of proper behavior and encourage them to improve on their own volition.
2. Loss of Privileges.
A camper who has already been warned by a dean and continues the same misbehavior may lose partial or full access to privileges such as pool time, canteen, or other activities as deemed appropriate by the dean. This consequence should also be directly applied to flagrant misbehavior such as misuse of camp property, teasing/bullying, accessing restricted areas, open defiance of staff, or anything that puts another camper at risk of harm.
3. Dismissal and Parent Pickup.
A camper who has already lost privileges and, in the dean’s opinion, shows no signs of changing the misbehavior, may on the third instance be sent home from camp immediately. The camper may be removed from activities until a parent /guardian can pick them up from camp. This consequence is also applicable for the most severe behavior that causes or may cause harm to other campers. Examples may include but not limited to: threatened or actual violence; theft or sabotage of another’s belongings, possession of weapons, alcohol, or drugs; inappropriate physical contact or unauthorized leaving of the camp property. At the dean’s recommendation, and upon consult with the camp directors, the camper may not return to camp for a period of up to 12 months.
Law enforcement notification considerations: The camp takes camper safety very seriously, and therefore camp deans may contact local law enforcement if appropriate. Examples may include but are not limited to: assault or threats of serious injury or loss of life, abduction, illegal carrying of a weapon, illegal drugs/controlled substances/overdose, and mental health concerns related to self-harm or the harm of others.